Popular Pet Names of 2023 (Top 20 List)
“Come Quat”..What? You named your pet “Quat”?!
Why yes, I did. What did you name your pet?
Faithful Friends, the online community for pets and the people who love them, has one of the largest pet name databases in the world. Each year, we have fun and sort our list by the number of entries for each unique name to get the top pet names of our members.
In 2023, here were the most popular pet names on Faithful Friends:
- Max
- Buddy
- Bella
- Princess
- Baby
- Rocky
- Bandit
- Bear
- Lucky
- Daisy
- Harley
- Angel
- Ginger
- Smokey
- Buster
- Patches
- Gizmo
- Molly
- Shadow
- Bailey
If you’d like to contribute to our 2024 dataset, simply submit a candle at Faithful Friends to celebrate or remember your pet.