Options for Your Pet’s Memorial
The death of a pet is the loss of a beloved family member and dealing with the loss is as difficult as with any member of the family. In families with children, often the children have known the pet their entire life. It’s very important that every surviving member of the family have a way to “say goodbye” while remembering the all the good experiences with the pet as a family over the years. Remembering and celebrating your pet is an important part of the grieving process. Keeping your pet’s remains “close by” can be a special way to memorialize your pet and honor the many memories you have created together.
The idea of commemorating your pet’s life after its death is gaining popularity. According to National Geographic, “an increasing number of churches and synagogues are recognizing the animal-human bond with activities such as pet-friendly services and private memorials.” (http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/10/061006-pet-church.html) This movement is helping grieving pet owners find new ways to memorialize lost pets.
There are a variety of items designed specifically for pet memorials. Urns, grave stones, grave markers, custom artwork and keepsake jewelry are just a few of the many items available for purchase to have a physical reminder of your pet’s life. Many of these items are specially created to house your beloved pet’s remains.
If you choose to have your pet’s remains cremated, urns are the most common way of keeping remains. There are many varieties of urns to choose from including plain, biodegradable, fashionable and personalized. Your veterinarian or crematorium can help you choose which type will work best for your family.
Grave Markers
If you and your family chose to bury your pet, you may want to invest in a gravestone or marker for your pet’s resting place. If you decide to bury your pet in a Pet Cemetery, they can offer you many different types of unique and personalized products for all price ranges. If you chose to bury your pet at home, here you can find a wide selection of grave markers or, you can create a custom marker for your pet’s grave. (link here)
Portraits and Photo Items
A portrait of your departed pet can serve as a happy reminder of the good times you spent together. If you have a digital copy of your pet’s photo, there are numerous businesses that offer photo gifts. A quick search of photo gifts in our products section will yield a slew of photo related products suitable for paying tribute to your pet.(link here)
Online Memorial Services
Posting positive memories, photos or videos of your pet online may be the perfect way for you and your family to celebrate your pet’s life. Also, finding a community of others experiencing a similar loss may help you in the grieving process. You can find our community here.
Keepsake Jewelry
Jewelry that contains a small amount of cremated remains or bits of fur is increasingly popular, especially since these pieces travel with us wherever we go. This physical memento of a departed pet can often bring comfort to the person that recently lost their pet.
There are a variety of types, sizes, and materials of keepsake jewelry online. Some pieces combine a chamber holding a treasured physical memento along with the ability to store photos or videos of your pet. These tangible keepsakes can become cherished remembrances of your beloved pet and can serve as a constant celebration of your memories of him or her. They are called MemoryVessels™ and are available here http://www.memoryvessels.com